
5+ natural remedies to remove dandruff

 5+ natural remedies to remove dandruff 

     Hey guys whats up and welcome back to my new blog in this blog i will tell 5+ natural remedies to remove dandruff at home  . I hope this blog is helpful for you . Follow this 5 steps and keep your hair dandruff free .

1) Aloe Vera

It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. As a result, it may help reduce inflammation.
Simply apply the extracted gel. You can do it twice a week.

2) Vinegar

Combine vinegar and water in equal amounts and apply it to your scalp.
Leave overnight and wash your hair the next day with mild baby shampoo.

3) Lemon

All you need to do is to spread lime juice all over your scalp for 5-10 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
Make sure you test it first so it doesn't irritate your skin.

4) Neem

You can use neem boiled in water and apply it to your scalp and wash it with cold water.
As applying directly for sensitive skin, it may cause irritation.

5) Coconut Oil

It improves skin hydration and reduces symptoms of eczema and dandruff.
You can add tea tree oil in coconut oil for better results.

6) Aspirin

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many anti-dandruff shampoos.
Try crushing two tablets of aspirin and adding the powder to your shampoo before washing your hair.

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